Advanced Curriculum

Managing an Advocacy Group

Eight one-hour collaborative classes over a 4 month semester. Classes will focus on the following topics.

Insurance and Legal Issues

This class will focus in great detail on the different regulatory requirements involved in advocacy groups. This class will also cover many of the business, legal, and accounting principles necessary to be a successful advocacy group.

Communications: Online Presence

This class will discuss the benefits of an up-to-date website, as well as how to use social media efficiently. We will also briefly discuss the limitations of social media, SEO, selecting the best platform(s) for your organization, and security/privacy policy issues.

Leading a Patient Advocacy Group

A good leader can attract passionate and skilled individuals, boost employee engagement, increase the organization’s resilience, and reduce turnover. This class will discuss leadership roles and basic leadership principles, as well as how to improve your leadership skills.

Board Management: Governance and Active Board Engagement

In this class, you will learn the importance of an effective board, how to recognize and choose effective board members, how to lead and motivate your board members to work collaboratively toward common goals, and ways to evaluate board effectiveness.

Communications: Public Speaking

This class will focus on the key components of an effective public speaker, and prepare you for a variety of circumstances you may find yourself (e.g., talking to press, at a fundraiser, at conferences, etc.).

Communications: Grant Writing, Fundraising

This class will be focused on how to find grants appropriate for your organization/event and tips for writing a successful grant proposal. This class will also discuss the logistics and regulatory requirements for different types of fundraising events.

Staff and Volunteer Retention

Your staff and volunteers can be your greatest asset or greatest weakness. In this class, we will focus on strategies to keep your staff and volunteers motivated, content, and productive. We will also build on the basic leadership skills previously learned.

Review and Final Exam

The final class will consist of a 30-minute review of key concepts covered in this program using a case study example. That will be followed by a 30-minute written exam.

After completing the core curriculum, specialize in one or more of the advanced areas.

Core Curriculum

Introduction to Patient Advocacy in Canada

This course will introduce students to the core concepts and skills needed to be a professional patient advocate in Canada.

Advanced Curriculum

These courses will provide students with advanced concepts and skills to be professional patient advocate in Canada. The three different themes will focus on three common themes that patient advocacy leaders in Canada generally concentrate on:

  1. management/leadership
  2. changing policy, and
  3. advancing research.

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